Thursday, August 23, 2007

Forgiving Others

It is so hard to forgive those who hurt us so deeply. We may “SAY” we forgive them, but we don’t leave the hurt feelings and the issue at the feet of Jesus. Each of us tend to pick them right back up and stuff them in deep hidden place only for Satan to find our hiding place and bring them up again.

I’ve even heard people say, “I have a right to be angry and hate them after what they did to me”. But God has a very different view in the matter.

This is the email Word for the Day I received.“You are not among those who seek revenge. Some carry their revenge and vengeance for the rest of their lives because someone offended or transgressed their "rights." There are believers today who live by the law "and eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." They did not learn this from Me. I gave a better way when Jesus died on the cross. He introduced grace and mercy with unconditional love. I say unto you, examine yourself today and see if you have any revenge or vengeance in your heart. If you find any at all, repent quickly and bring those offenders with you to My throne of grace. There you will find grace in your time of need.”

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